The Rhino Project - by Wood Brain
I've love those Nation Geographic documentaries about far off places like Africa and recently I did my part to help save a Rhino in need. One day while at my shop at CRAFTED , a cute little lady approached me looking for the Wood Brain person that she had heard so much about. She told me how her husband had brought this hand sculpted wood Rhino back from Italy and somehow one of its ears had broken off. She was really upset and was on a mission to bring her Rhino back to its original state. She asked me to take a look at it and see if there was anything I could do for him. When I picked him up I was surprised at how heavy he was. I could tell right away that this little guy was special and was made of an exotic wood most likely ebony, it was deceiving in weight. There was great deal of care that went into the construction of this little guy. From time to time I receive unique request for custom wood working projects, and this was definitely one of those p...