
Showing posts from March, 2023

Epoxy Skull and Walnut Wood Brain

Epoxy Skull with Wood Brain Wood Brain by Lindsay Zuelich In today’s video I’m showing you how I made a life size epoxy skull with a life size walnut wood brain to fit inside. I started by making mini skulls first and figure out what worked and what didn’t. I started by figuring out how to make silicone molds for casting. This took me awhile to figure out which products and methods worked best. I found that using a pressure pot set at 35-40 PSI when making the silicone molds gets all the tiny bubbles out for a perfect casting. I also used the pressure pot when I poured the epoxy and left it in the pressure pot for 24 hours before de-molding. I used Total Boat thickset for the epoxy, which worked great. I used BBDINO platinum silicone 1:1 mold making for making my silicone molds. Once I figured out the epoxy skulls I moved onto making wood brains to fit inside on my OneFinity CNC. I then used a Dremel to carve out the underside of the brain so that they fit in the epoxy skulls just rig...

How To Build An ARCH Backdrop

In today’s video I’m sharing with you how I made a wooden arch backdrop for a friends wedding, using a jigsaw, miter saw, circular saw, and a scroll saw. Wood Brain by Lindsay Zuelich I started by making a circle jig for my Dewalt battery powered jigsaw. Then I cut a 1/2" thick 4'x8' sheet of plywood down to 3'-6"x 7' which made it more manageable to work with and move around with. I used the cut left over piece from the plywood to build a base for the backdrop. I framed it out with 2x4's to give it more weight. I installed heavy duty L-brackets to the base and added two 2x4 pieces to the backdrop to give myself something to drill the L-backets into. Once everything was built I painted the backdrop with a white primer. while that dried I move on to cutting out the wood lettering for the backdrop. I used an over head projector to size the lettering and traced letters onto the wood I would then cutout on my scroll saw. I made each word to cut out more manage...