How To Build An ARCH Backdrop

In today’s video I’m sharing with you how I made a wooden arch backdrop for a friends wedding, using a jigsaw, miter saw, circular saw, and a scroll saw.

I started by making a circle jig for my Dewalt battery powered jigsaw. Then I cut a 1/2" thick 4'x8' sheet of plywood down to 3'-6"x 7' which made it more manageable to work with and move around with. I used the cut left over piece from the plywood to build a base for the backdrop.

I framed it out with 2x4's to give it more weight. I installed heavy duty L-brackets to the base and added two 2x4 pieces to the backdrop to give myself something to drill the L-backets into. Once everything was built I painted the backdrop with a white primer. while that dried I move on to cutting out the wood lettering for the backdrop. I used an over head projector to size the lettering and traced letters onto the wood I would then cutout on my scroll saw. I made each word to cut out more manageable by cutting them into smaller piece.

I drilled pilot holes in the letters where the centers need to be cut out and worked on those areas first by cutting them out on the scroll saw. Once all the letters were cut out I sanded them and painted them white with spray paint. Once everything was dry I painted the letters a pink color that the Bride to be requested. I also painted the backdrop arch a light beige color. I then used the over head projector once more to line up the lettering on the backdrop and I used 3M double sided mounting tape to attach the letters. I know I could have cut the letters out on my CNC, but I wanted to make this a simple and easy project. Hope you enjoyed it and found some use from it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @Wood_Brain Business Inquires contact: Support me on Patreon:


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